
December 5, 2022
pest control technician tools

Behind every great pest control professional (PMP) is a vehicle outfitted for any situation. The tools  may differ based on the type of client, but this list can help ensure you are always prepared, anytime and anywhere. (note: the list doesn’t include application equipment/products - which is a given!).

November 1, 2022
integrated rodent management

With the fall season underway and colder months on the horizon, rodents start searching for warmer nesting areas and plentiful food sources – inside houses and buildings.

October 18, 2022
bait shyness

Rodent Awareness Week (October 16-22) is a reminder for pest control professionals across the U.S. to make their customers aware of the potential for increased rodent activity. It also provides an excellent opportunity for you to demonstrate your expertise and insight when it comes to addressing rodent control issues.

October 5, 2022
pesticide tolerances

You may have heard that MGK’s Sumari® Insecticide will soon debut with F.A.T. – but what does that mean and why is it valuable for your business? The short answer is that Sumari can now be used on food and feed commodities in food handling establishments. 

October 5, 2022

There are two primary issues with callbacks: 1) the specific pest problem and 2) the reaction of the customer to the PMP’s response. Resolving the pest problem can be straight forward; making the customer happy can be more challenging. Here are five steps to consider when working with a customer who has a complaint or concern. 

October 3, 2022

Mosquito control has firmly shifted from addressing a nuisance to providing a critical public health service. MGK’s newest product Sumilarv offers an effective and convenient solution to one of the key challenges facing government municipalities tasked with mosquito control: a seasonal labor shortage.

September 29, 2022
multi catch mouse trap

The Catchmaster Dual-Action Twin Catch now provides pest control operators with an effective option when confronted with increasingly sensitive accounts.  The Twin Catch was developed as a result of the growing pressure on pest control professionals by animal rights groups to stop using one of the key components of most IPM Plans,  adhesive based traps and monitors generically known as glue boards. 

September 28, 2022
dehumidifier for crawlspace

The Santa Fe Oasis105 is the first residential dehumidifier with a patented three-coil Efficiency Capacity Coil Optimization (ECCO) technology that maximizes energy efficiency and capacity in a very compact box. The unit removes an unprecedented 7.6 pints of water for every kilowatt of energy at 80F and 60% RH. 

September 7, 2022
rat detector app

Tamper resistant bait stations contain more than bait and traps, they contain a wealth of information for the pest control technician. Once a bait station is opened, evidence can be gathered, such as if there was rodent activity since the last service. While this information is valuable, it is also limiting, leaving many unanswered questions about rodent activity, which if known, would make it easier for a PMP to quickly enhance service at the account.    

August 8, 2022
dry flowable bait

Controlling pests in hard-to-reach areas is within reach with Advion® MicroFlow insect bait, the latest addition to the trusted Advion brand family from Syngenta. This dry flowable bait features a highly attractive bait matrix that provides better bait consumption and improved pest mortality at low use rates.
