Product Education   |   June 10, 2024

Stop pesky ants with solutions designed to offer speed, power and security from Envu

Ants are always looking for ways in. You need solutions that are built to cover every angle no matter the species, size or location.

Ants are complex, smart, resilient and adaptable. In order to control a pest like this, you need a variety of solutions that offer speed, power and security. That’s why at Envu, we work to provide you with the right kind of support and portfolio of products that can handle ants from every angle. Here are some tips and solutions that’ll give you the edge on any ant problem:

Use baits to ensure control

One of the main benefits that comes from using bait is that if you use a sufficient amount, it will lead to cross-feeding. That cross-feeding will then lead to exposure to other members of the colony and make it back to the queen(s) and the brood. This will give you the greatest results in impacting the ant population.

Unlike ant bait gels that begin to lose moisture immediately, Maxforce® Quantum ant bait gel offers a hygroscopic formula that retains and absorbs moisture to keep it attractive to ants for up to three months. It is safe to use as a spot or crack and crevice application, and it’s effective on a wide variety of ants, even mega-colony ants, with a powerful and lasting solution that delivers a delayed-action kill to eliminate the entire colony.

Management is important all season

Another bait solution we have is Maxforce® Fleet™ ant bait gel. Its thicker formula works inside and outside and is one of the most attractive baits to a wide range of ant species. Of course the focus will be on summer, but our baits ensure acceptance all year long. Baits are incredibly valuable during the colder weather months because ants will often cluster together in the colony.

Because of this, pest management professionals should apply baits as close as possible to nest sites and next to any visible ant trails. From there, ants will collect the bait and share it with the colony. Its long-lasting and fast-acting formula will eliminate ant colonies seven days quicker than any competitor with surgical placement indoors or outdoors.

Get a variety of treatment options

Baits are, for the most part, the most effective control measure. They are targeted to the pest, can cover a large area, and are brought back to the colony to maximize control. But it’s important to vary up your solutions with products like Agenda™ 10 SC termiticide. It provides an effective perimeter treatment that creates a barrier against a wide range of ant species.

With many different situations and species to control, professionals should have a varied toolbox of products to ensure success. As ants are constantly adapting, Envu is committed to making solutions that last.